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Prevention Plan

Kauri Sue Hamilton School Prevention Plan 2022-23

Our school’s mission is to:  work collaboratively to maximize student achievement, build relationships, teach communication skills, foster independence, nurture creativity and improve quality of life for each student within their home, school and community.

Prevention Plan Overview

This prevention plan has been created following Jordan District guidelines, which can be reviewed at

Our school prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to our students and their families. Some of our everyday efforts, the systems and strategies for supporting our students are listed below.

Our school has prioritized prevention through the following everyday efforts:

  • All staff adhere to our school’s mission, vision, and belief statements.
  • School-wide Rules:
    • posted in classrooms, hallways, and all areas of the building with visual supports of what is expected.
    • school-wide rules song
    • line up song
    • “get ready” song
  • All staff are trained yearly on Mandt,(Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions (LRBI), Time Out.
  • Our school is using the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory which is a valid, reliable, and efficient evaluation tool meant for schools to measure the extent to which school personnel are applying the core features of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports.
  • Our transition age students build relationships in the community through our Community Based Curriculum (CBC) programs.
  • School to home communication daily for each student.
  • Our school has access to Jordan Behavior Assistance Team (JBAT).
  • Our school teaches students to identify their emotions with visual supports.
  • Our school has developed an appropriate curriculum, scope and sequence, pacing guide, and common assessments to teach students and help them be successful in their academics.
  • Our school has a “Chill Room” to have a calming space for students to de-escalate in a safe environment.
  • Our school’s mental health provider (school psychologist) is trained and supported by District administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts.
  • Our school provides access to District mental health and support resources through Student Services which includes the Jordan Family Education Center Mental Health Access Program.
  • Our school provides access to academic support with District departments to support the success of every student.
  • Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from District specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
  • Our school provides access to parent and family resources including a District partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connection, evening parent seminars, and classes through the Jordan Family Education Center.

Suicide Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s mental health provider and administrators are trained on and review District suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with support from Jordan District’s Student Services Team.
  • Our school’s staff are trained in suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with the Jordan School District Policy Review.
  • Students are taught how to recognize their emotions with visual supports. 
  • Students are taught how to regulate their emotions with use of:
    1. sensory rooms
    2. break cards
    3. Chill Room

Bullying Prevention Plan

  • Our school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate and safety.
  • Students who display behaviors that are impeding their learning receive support for their individual needs which may include: an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).
  • Students are taught to identify their emotions with visual supports.


Violence Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s administrators are trained on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG).
  • All staff are trained annually on incident command situations that may arise at the school.
  • Students are taught social skills.
  • Students are taught to identify their emotions with visual supports.